Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Lavender Wreath

I am finding it really hard to find the time to blog during these holidays, we have had so much going on and family staying. Today I actually managed an afternoon on the allotment followed by an evening of crafting, which has been bliss.  I have been getting the plot ready for autumn, clearing the beds and lifting and storing some of our harvest. There is a plot near by which has no tennant at the moment and has the most gorgeous lavender bushes, I picked a beautiful basket full and this evening attempted my first Lavender wreath. I think it is one of those things that takes a little practise and I should have probably started with a slightly smaller one, but I am pleased with the outcome.
It's late so the lighting isn't very good, but you can see how it has turned out. I love it when I can combine my hobbies! I have been flicking through a book called the outdoor decorator, which gave me the idea. Hope you like it. Needless to say I am now smelling a little old ladyish!

For a progress report on the competition pumpkin have a look at "view from the gate", by clicking on the tab at the top or the photo to your right.

Thanks for stopping by


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