Monday, 14 May 2012

Pumpkin Party 2012

Well we actually had some lovely sun shine here on the Island this weekend, it was the annual walking festival "Walk the Wight" and there were quite a few pink people at work this morning who obviously didn't apply their cream, but well done to them all.
I had a lovely weekend, not only had the sun finally come out but my friend Sarah had a little baby girl who she has named Summer Rose, Congratulations Sarah, I can't wait to have a cuddle!
This good news was followed by us going to the first of our pumpkin parties of the year. This has become somewhat of a tradition where we go to our lovely friends Mark & Jules who host parties in both May and October. The May evening consists of everyone paying ten pounds and drawing a number out of the hat, the number corresponds to a selection of giant pumpkin and onions plants. In October we all meet back up and do the weigh in when the growers of the largest pumpkin and onion wins the pot of cash. Here are our little beauties:
 Unfortunately we were all a little worse for wear in the mini bus on the way home, I was carefully holding our plants in a carrier bag in the aisle when my friend and fellow competitor fell off her seat and squashed our onions, which is why their leaves are all bent over, I personally think it was an elaborate attempt at sabotage. Anyway we have a nice little spot ready for the pumpkins, with plenty of manure dug in and then they will be fed on compost tea!!! We are hoping to regain our title this year as we are not the reigning champions, but we do hold the record at 124lbs with this monster!
I also done loads of digging and pricking out yesterday and the plot is looking lovely, we are still feasting on purple sprouting broccolli and have started picking rhubarb and asparagus, which is our favorite sprinkled with garlic and chilli and then griddled, delicious! Luckily our neighbor keeps giving us her spare.
Just wanted to finish by sharing this gorgeous view of Samuel running on the downs yesterday. This is looking out over Sandown and Yaverland.

Thanks for reading



Unknown said...

Thank you for the blog congratulations ;0) Summer is lovely and I just want to show her off to everybody xxx

Hayley Louise Hobbs said...

She is beautiful and you are looking really well considering you had c-section. See you soon Hx